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Data for Figure SPM.6 - Summary for Policymakers of the Working Group III Contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report



Niamir, L.; Creutzig, F.; Masanet, E.; Roy, J., 2022, Data for Figure SPM.6 - Summary for Policymakers of the Working Group III Contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, MetadataWorks,


Figure caption: Figure SPM.6 covers the indicative potential of demand-side options for the year 2050. Figure SPM.7 covers cost and potentials for the year 2030. Demand-side mitigation response options are categorised into three broad domains: ‘socio-cultural factors’, associated with individual choices, behaviour; and lifestyle changes, social norms and culture; ‘infrastructure use’, related to the design and use of supporting hard and soft infrastructure that enables changes in individual choices and behaviour; and ‘end-use technology adoption’, refers to the uptake of technologies by end-users. Demand side mitigation is a central element of the IMP-LD and IMP-SP scenarios (Figure SPM.5). Panel (a) (Nutrition) demand-side potentials in 2050 assessment is based on bottom-up studies and estimated following the 2050 baseline for the food sector presented in peer-reviewed literature (more information in Supplementary Material 5.II, and 7.4.5). Panel (b) (Manufactured products, mobility, shelter) assessment of potentials for total emissions in 2050 are estimated based on approximately 500 bottom up studies representing all global regions (detailed list is in Table SM5.2). Baseline is provided by the sectoral mean GHG emissions in 2050 of the two scenarios consistent with policies announced by national governments until 2020. The heights of the coloured columns represent the potentials represented by the median value. These are based on a range of values available in the case studies from literature shown in Chapter 5 Supplementary Material II. The range is shown by the dots connected by dotted lines representing the highest and the lowest potentials reported in the literature. Panel (a) shows the demand side potential of socio-cultural factors and infrastructure use. The median value of direct emissions (mostly non-CO2) reduction through socio-cultural factors is 1.9 GtCO2-eq without considering land-use change through reforestation of freed up land. If changes in land use pattern enabled by this change in food demand are considered, the indicative potential could reach 7 GtCO2-eq. Panel (b) illustrates mitigation potential in industry, land transport and buildings end-use sectors through demand-side options. Key options are presented in the summary table below the figure and the details are in Table SM5.2. Panel (c) visualizes how sectoral demand-side mitigation options (presented in Panel (b)) change demand on the electricity distribution system. Electricity accounts for an increasing proportion of final energy demand in 2050 (additional electricity bar) in line with multiple bottom-up studies (detailed list is in Table SM5.3), and Chapters 6 (6.6). These studies are used to compute the impact of end-use electrification which increases overall electricity demand. Some of the projected increase in electricity demand can be avoided through demand-side mitigation options in the domains of socio-cultural factors and infrastructure use in end-use electricity use in buildings, industry, and land transport found in literature based on bottom-up assessments. Dark grey columns show the emissions that cannot be avoided through demand-side mitigation options. {5.3, Figure 5.7, Supplementary Material 5.II} References: There are more than 300 references. Please check Supplementary Material II of Chapter 5, Reference list.
Is Part Of:
Summary for Policymakers of the Working Group III Contribution to the IPCC AR6


Spatial Aggregation:
Spatial Coverage:
Start Date:
01 January 2050
End Date:
31 December 2050

Geographic Bounding Box

Lower Left Latitude:
Lower Left Longitude:
Upper Right Latitude:
Upper Right Longitude:


The baseline scenario (total emissions in 2050) per sector is calculated based on 2050 emissions projection of two scenarios consistent with policies announced by national governments until 2020: - International Energy Agency’s 2020 World Energy Outlook Stated Policy Scenario (STEPS) - IPCC IP-ModAct scenario (Annex III, Byers, E. et al. 2022. AR6 Scenarios Database. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. Available at: doi: 10.5281/zenodo.5886912) Demand-side mitigation indicative potential by 2050 are estimated based on comprehensive literature review / bottom-up studies. Please see Tables SM5.2 and SM.5.3 for more information and references.
Data used by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) authors and supplied for archiving to MetadataWorks Ltd by the Technical Support Unit (TSU) for IPCC Working Group III (WG III).



Access Service:
Available for download from the IPCC Data Catalogue.


Resource Creator:
  • Niamir, L.
  • Creutzig, F.
  • Masanet, E.
  • Roy, J.